Discovering Business Credit


Access to business credit is crucial for expanding, managing daily expenses, purchasing inventory, hiring staff, and preserving cash flow.





This Business Structure & Funding Guide was assembled by a team of business owners and entrepreneurs who understand the power of leveraging business credit. The great news is by following this guide, you’ll get an opportunity to bypass majority of the “red tape” and be in position to realize success much sooner.

One of your main goals should be to obtain assets through your business without these assets being attached to you personally, so you can minimize the risks and liabilities these assets may carry.

  1. The first step is to have a solid personal credit file.
  2. The second step is to follow this guide to the “T.” Throughout the process, you will learn that accounts established using your EIN, Even they are personally Guaranteed, Typically do not report on your personal credit profile.

As you go through this guide, Please remember it is not whether you know the information ,Or you have heard it before, you must apply it.


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